
A member of Design Nation

I was delighted to be successful in gaining membership of Design Nation in December. Looking forward to exhibiting with them and to be part of the Design Nation Community, especially within Wales and the South West of England. To find out more about what they do, and to see who else are Design Nation members, please follow this link Design Nation


Mi o ni wrth y modd i gael fy nerbyn fel aelod newydd o Design Nation ym mis Rhagfyr. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at arddangos fel rhan o’r grŵp ac i hefyd fod yn rhan o Gymuned Design Nation, yn arbennig o fewn cymuned Cymru a De Orllewin Lloegr. I ddarganfod mwy am y grŵp, mae croeso i chi ddilyn y linc sydd uchod.

Lowri Davies