Cymru ar Gynfas
Yn ystod yr Hydref, fe wnes i dderbyn comisiwn gan raglen deledu ‘Cymru ar Gynfas’ ar S4C (Cwmni Wildflame) i greu portread o Aelod Seneddol Dwyfor Meirionydd, Liz Saville Roberts. Braint oedd cael fy ngofyn i weithio gyda Liz ac i fod yn rhan o’r rhaglen deledu yma. Mi oedd hi’n rhyddhad mawr fod Liz wedi ymateb yn dda i’r casgliad o waith ac mae’r rhaglen wedi’u chreu yn gelfydd gan y tîm yn Wildflame. Diolch yn fawr i Liz, Mei Williams, Manon Jones a Tudor Evans.
Os hoffech chi weld y rhaglen, mae hi i’w gweld ar Iplayer ar y funud (linc islaw)
In the Autumn, I was invited to take part in a TV programme on S4C called ‘Cymru ar Ganfas’ (Wales on Canvas) to create a portrait of the MP for Dwyfor Meirionydd, Liz Saville Roberts. I was honoured to be asked to work with Liz and to be part of this TV show. I must admit that I was a little nervous, but Liz thankfully responded well to the the collection of work. Thank you Liz and to Mei Williams, Manon Jones and Tudor Evans from Wildflame Productions.
If you’d like to see the show, it’s currently available on Iplayer with the option to view it with Subtitles (link below)