
Artist Support Pledge / Addewid i Gefnogi Artistiaid

For the past month I’ve been participating in Mathew Burrows #artistsupportpledge. I’m very grateful to those of you who have supported me.


Dros y mis diwethaf yma, dwi wedi bod yn gwerthu fy ngwaith drwy Instagram fel rhan o ymgyrch #artistsupportpledge Dwi’n ddiolchgar iawn am bob cefnogaeth.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many artists have found themselves without work, teaching, technical support and gallery work. In an attempt to alleviate stress, Artists post images of their work on Instagram which they are willing to sell for no more than £200 each. Every time an artist reaches £1000 of sales, they pledge to spend £200 on another artist/s work.

Lowri Davies