Eisteddfod Amgen
Gan nad yw’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn cael ei chynnal eleni, mi fydd Marchnad o stondinwyr yr Eisteddfod yn hysbysebu a gwerthu ar Facebook fel rhan o ddathliadau Eisteddfod AmGen. Mi fyddai’n cynnig postio am ddim yn ystod yr wythnos wrth i chi ddefnyddio’r côd EISTEDDFODAMGEN.
I was meant to exhibit my work at the National Eisteddfod in Tregaron between the 1st and 8th of June, but as the Eisteddfod itself has been cancelled due to COVID, I’ll be selling alongside their digital platform ’Eisteddfod AmGen’ on Facebook. I’ll be offering free postage if you use the code EISTEDDFODAMGEN.