Gan nad oedd yna Eisteddfod Genedlaethol y llynedd, fe drefnwyd arddangosfa rithiol o’r enw Epona fel rhan o’r Eisteddfod AmGen ym mis Awst. Mi oedd yr arddangosfa yn cofnodi cofio 70 mlynedd o ddiwreiddio ardal Epynt ac mi wnes i gyflwyno darlun o Gapel y Babell lle cynhaliwyd Plygeiniau.
As the National Eisteddfod couldn’t be held last year, a virtual exhibition called Epona was organized as part of the AmGen Eisteddfod in August. The exhibition commemorated the 70th anniversary of the acquisition of the Epynt mountain by the War Office in World War II. I presented a drawing of the ‘Babell’ chapel where the Plygain service was held.